Thursday, July 9, 2009

River Rafting at Girls Camp July 2009


As you can see by the pictures we had a blast river rafting. Our first raft of leaders and YW survived THE BRIDGE OF DEATH. Thank goodness. A bit of a scary experience for them but they "stayed the course" and got back in the raft after it tipped over and got stuck on the bridge and they even lost their paddles oh and some shoes. They all swam safely to shore. I am sure they were freezing but they finished rafting the river. We are so proud of them. Sister Braun seemed to have the worst injury with a good cut to her foot but thanks to Sister Mason and Sister Killpack she didn't need stiches, just a tetnus shot and some antibiotics. Some of the other girls ended up with a few scratches and have a great story to tell. We love you all.
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1 comment:

Nicole said...

Those on the first raft sure do have a story to tell. I'm glad Vickie didn't need stitches, but I have to give all the credit to Sister Mason for bandaging her up so well.